Students can complete a self-referral, an appointment is made by the counselor, a parent referral, an administrative referral, a teacher or other staff referral, a referral by a friend, or just by dropping in at the “Counselor Corner” office. The students are always welcome – appointment or not.
Parents can call the school counselor at any time to set up a phone conference or a school visit to discuss a concern. Reasons parents contact the school counselor are concerns over student achievement, family health problems, student new to school, test interpretation, discussing special needs of your child, early discussion and identification of potential student crisis, and family difficulties and concerns.
School Counselors talk with students individually and in groups, help in identifying the needs of students, gain understanding of students through observation and participation in the classroom, promote positive attitudes among students, assist teachers and parents in helping children, use tests to provide information about abilities, achievement, interests, and needs, assist in the identification of and referral for crisis situations, and maintain student confidences.