We infuse the two together by teaching about the Catholic Values through Religion classes and the integration of these values into all subjects. We follow not only the standards set down by the State Department of Education, but also those of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
All AOL Religion Classes
Religion classes are a daily part of the kindergarten's school day. Students learn the traditions of the Christian faith according to the traditions of the Catholic Church. The teachings are based on the scriptures found in the Bible, the doctrines of the Church, and the worship traditions of the Church. The lives of saints are also an important focus of many of the classes.
Kindergarten Religion
In Religion, the kindergarteners talk about creation, the life of Jesus, the rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and the Ten Commandments. We also work on the prayers: The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
1st Grade
In first grade students are introduced to understand that each of us is called to belong to the community of Jesus' Church. In doing so we become followers of Jesus and share in the special moments of life through the celebration of the sacraments. Students are also introduced to the seasons of worship through weekly participation in the Mass.
2nd Grade
Second graders learn about the seven sacramental moments in our life that call us to belong to his Church, enter into the mystery of Jesus, receive forgiveness so that we may reconcile with God, and live our lives in the service of one another.
3rd Grade
Third graders learn about their life in the Church to which Jesus invites each person. Students learn how members contribute to the church community and how members participate in the worship at church. Students also learn how each person is called to be a disciple of Jesus.
4th Grade
Fourth-grade classes learn about the commandments and our call to holiness. In doing so, students come to understand how they participate in the life of Christ, who is still with us today through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Kindergarten Reading and English Language Arts
Kindergarten uses the Super Kids series. Super Kids teaches skills in letter recognition, sounds, memory words, and blending. It covers rhyming, sequencing, and syllables in words. Students also work on writing complete sentences using capital letters, spaces between words, and the correct punctuation marks.
1st Grade
In reading, spelling, and writing first grade uses Adventures of the Super Kids as our curriculum. Students will learn how to read stories from the Super Kids reading books and have spelling words from the story that they will have a spelling test on. Students also work on their writing skills and phonics.
Kindergarten Reading and English Language Arts
Kindergarten uses the Super Kids series. Super Kids teaches skills in letter recognition, sounds, memory words, and blending. It covers rhyming, sequencing, and syllables in words. Students also work on writing complete sentences using capital letters, spaces between words, and the correct punctuation marks.
1st Grade
In reading, spelling, and writing first grade uses Adventures of the Super Kids as our curriculum. Students will learn how to read stories from the Super Kids reading books and have spelling words from the story that they will have a spelling test on. Students also work on their writing skills and phonics.
Kindergarten Hand Writing
The focus in handwriting is using correct letter and number formations.
1st Grade
In reading, spelling, and writing first grade uses Adventures of the Super Kids as our curriculum. Students will learn how to read stories from the Super Kids reading books and have spelling words from the story that they will have a spelling test on. Students also work on their writing skills and phonics.
1st Grade
In reading, spelling, and writing first grade uses Adventures of the Super Kids as our curriculum. Students will learn how to read stories from the Super Kids reading books and have spelling words from the story that they will have a spelling test on. Students also work on their writing skills and phonics.
Kindergarten Math
The series, Envision, teaches skills in, counting, number recognition, addition, subtraction, hundred charts, shapes, classifying and categorizing, and measurable attributes
1st Grade
First grade uses Envision Mathematics as our curriculum. We will be learning addition, subtraction, word problems, Equations, using the Number line, and learning place value.
Kindergarten Science
the class uses hands-on activities to learn many of the basics of science. Kindergarten covers weather, magnets, forces, and motion.
1st Grade Science
1st grade uses HMH Science Dimensions as the curriculum. Students will learn about sound and what it is, how light helps us, plants, and animals and how they respond in their environment. Students will also learn about plants and the four seasons.
3rd Grade Science
The central focus in 3rd-grade science is to gain basic skills and knowledge that build a foundation for scientific inquiry. Through physics, meteorology, and biology they will ask questions, use models, design solutions to problems as well as support and create scientific arguments. We also have the wonderful opportunity to learn how to plant and grow flowers and vegetables in our own gardens on campus right outside the science room.
4th Grade Science
The central focus in 4th-grade science is to gain basic skills and knowledge that build a foundation for scientific inquiry. Through physics, geology, natural resources, and biology they will ask questions, conduct investigations, design solutions, use models, as well as support and create scientific arguments. We also have the wonderful opportunity to learn how to plant and grow flowers and vegetables in our own gardens on campus right outside the science room.
Kindergarten Social Studies
Using multi-media and hands-on activities, Kindergarten works on learning to work together and national and state symbols from the past and the present.
1st Grade Social Studies
1st grade uses My World interactive curriculum. Students will learn about our government, being a good citizen, the leaders, the community, and different cultures.
3rd Grade Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum for 3rd grade is a focus on the responsibilities of being a good citizen, government structure, and Louisiana history. Notable topics include learning the geography of Louisiana, finding locations on maps from around the globe, and learning about the branches of government on both the state and national levels. 3rd grade Social Studies students at Ascension of Our Lord have fun while learning by utilizing games where students guess facts about each state.
4th Grade Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum for 4th grade is focused on the regions of the United States. Topics focus on each region: The East, The South, The West, and The Midwest. Each region is studied in detail starting with the states of each region followed by the geography, resources, and people living in each area. 4th grade Social Studies students at Ascension of Our Lord enjoy listening and singing the tour the states song to learn the states and their capitals.
Physical Education/Health
Students have access to both Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reader.
St. John Parish offers Ascension a Speech Therapist on site.
Title I Services for Reading and Math Remediation for Grades 1-5 are offered on site.